Raptor Rehab Trust
WHO WE ARE: We are an all-volunteer group that have formed a not-for profit trust that is dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned birds of prey. Our aims are to increase public awareness about the importance of raptors and conservation of birds of prey in Kenya.
HOW MANY PEOPLE WORK FOR OUR CHARITY: We currently have 10 people actively involved in our Trust.
- $10 / £6 goes towards equipment each month.
- $200 / £133 per month pays for veterinary care and xrays.
- $80 / £53 per week goes to buying food and supplements for raptors.
- $1000 / £666 goes towards each new rehabilitation enclosure that is built and on average.
We devote our time to providing the necessary care and management for various birds during their recovery. Spacious flight chambers as well as falconry techniques are used to enhance the speed and conditioning of the birds rehabilitation. Our interest is also to protect raptors from trapping, poisoning, stop their illegal removal from nests and provide education to limit public persecution.
Learning institutions are an important platform for our environmental education work on raptors. We believe that an awareness and appreciation for the environment should be nurtured from a young age in order to make a difference to the future. Our education programs encourage children to ask questions about, and interact directly with education birds where appropriate. We often take on veterinary students/interns to both assist us and further their field of learning.
Some of our casualty cases require long-term and require specialist care from around the world. And we are grateful to have various forms of international support for our bird cases.
We have a number of projects on going from tissue sampling to entomology studies, however we have recently embarked on a large collaborative project, which involves The Peregrine Fund, National Museums of Kenya (ornithology dept) and Nature Kenya to create the Bearded Vulture Conservation Project set up under and governed by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). The Bearded Vulture Conservation Project has set a goal to raise a minimum of USD $30,000. Our collective aim is to embark on a captive breeding program to ensure survival of this unique and magnificent bird and their reintroduction to Nationally protected areas in Kenya. To facilitate this we are seeking a breeding partner for her, as well as chicks to be hand raised to create a genetic reservoir for the future. This will be a large and lengthy project, which will require immense collaboration from a variety of fields, to which we welcome support and collaboration from interested parties. Thanks to your support of this campaign, collectively we will have the opportunity to bring back an iconic bird to Kenyan skies, something that present and future generations can look up to. The images and accompanying data from our conservation project will be added to existing archives and be freely available for posterity for research and educational pur-poses. Documentation and photography of these magnificent birds will spark new research initiatives and reinforce existing research on the captive breeding of the Bearded Vulture. HELP us make certain that this iconic vulture does not disappear from Kenya without a trace!